英文全称:2024 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC 2024), Session on Trends in Embodied-Intelligence Unmanned Vehicle Technology and Applications of Intelligent Transport Systems, http://icgnc.buaa.edu.cn
主办:中国航空学会制导、导航与控制分会(CSAA TCGNC)、飞行器控制一体化技术重点实验室、虚拟现实技术与系统全国重点实验室、中国自动化学会导航制导与控制专业委员会(CAA TCNGC)、中国自动化学会无人飞行器自主控制专业委员会(CAA TCUASAC)、中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(CAA TCCT)、中国自动化学会机器人智能专业委员会(CAA TCRI)
国际制导、导航与控制学术会议(ICGNC)是目前中国最大的航空、航天、航海、陆地等运动体制导、导航与控制(GNC)领域的国际学术会议,每两年举办一次,已经成功举办10届。ICGNC 2024将集聚国内外高等院校、科研院所和工业部门的专家学者,探讨和交流GNC领域相关的学术和技术问题,并将邀请GNC领域的国际知名学者做大会特邀报告,会议还包括总师论坛、青年科学家论坛、会前报告、小组讨论、邀请组、口头报告、摘要报告和张贴报告等。随着我国人工智能2030年发展战略规划的出台,人工智能已上升为国家战略。作为人工智能最具实用性、最有展示度的智能无人系统,是衡量一个国家科技创新和高端制造业水平的重要标志。农业智能无人系统作为2017年国务院《新一代人工智能发展规划》重点布局的五大领域之一,是我国智能无人系统的重要组成部分。具身智能是指智能系统通过感知和交互与环境进行实时互动的能力。具身智能系统通常具备感知、认知、行为的能力,能够通过感知器、决策器、控制器与环境进行交互,并根据环境的变化做出相应的决策和行动。目前,具身智能已经成为国际学术前沿研究方向,包括美国国家科学基金会在内的机构都在推动具身智能的发展,IROS 2023也将具身智能作为一个很重要的主题单独研讨。因此,本届ICGNC大会专门设立具身智能无人系统专题,展示具身智能技术在工农业无人系统领域的前沿应用。
具身智能无人系统专题论文投稿方式:进入投稿系统(http://cms.amss.ac.cn),选择论文类型为“Special Session Paper”,分组代码为sAXRLV
本届会议英文论文将由 Springer 出版社的 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 系列正式出版(EI收录),部分优秀英文论文的扩展版将被推荐到卓越期刊《Guidance, Navigation and Control 》国际期刊,录用的中文论文将被推荐到 《中国科学:技术科学》、《中国科学:信息科学》、 《航空学报》、《工程科学学报》、《系统工程与电子技术》、《北京航空航天大学学报(自然科学版)》 等重要EI期刊。特别地,具身智能无人系统专题录用的优秀英文论文的拓展版将被推荐到IF>5的Q1区SCI期刊。
“Trends in Embodied-Intelligence Unmanned Vehicle Technology and Applications of Intelligent Transport Systems”
Currently, new embodied-intelligence unmanned vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems are in an era of transformation. In the foreseeable near future, unmanned vehicles represented by UGV(unmanned ground vehicle) and UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) will be built with new ground and air transportation, logistics, and operation systems, which will have great potential in various application fields of industry and agriculture. The integration of autonomous vehicle technology and aircraft technology is also breeding a new vehicle - flying car, also known as heavy load vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. Interactive perception, decision-making with learning ability, and self-growth behavior are important features of embodied intelligence vehicle and intelligent transport systems, such as unmanned driving vehicle, intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, etc. Correspondingly, multi-sensor (LiDAR, millimeter wave radar, and optical sensors) and multi-source information fusion technology, SLAM technology, and bio-inspired visual technology are applied to the perception stage. Brain-inspired intelligence and end-to-end deep learning neural network are applied to the decision-making stage. Disturbance self-rejection control, integrated control technology, bio-inspired formation control, manned/unmanned hybrid cooperative control are applied to the behavior control stage. We welcome manuscripts from all areas of embodied-intelligence unmanned vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems that may be of interest to international readers. Manuscripts in Chinese or English are both welcomed. Selected excellent English papers of this session will be recommended to SCI-indexed journals after extended.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
●Autonomous driving, intelligent driving, and unmanned driving;
●Embodied intelligence;
●Perception, cognition, and behavior;
●SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping);
●LiDAR(light detection and ranging), millimeter wave radar, RGB and RGB-D cameras, and multi-spectral optical sensors;
●Interactive perception;
●Decision making with learning ability;
●Self-growth control;
●Bio-inspired visual perception;
●Multi-sensor and multi-source information fusion;
●Brain-inspired intelligence, and end-to-end deep learning neural network;
●Disturbance observer, and disturbance self-rejection control;
●Integration technology of perception, decision-making, and control;
●Bio-inspired formation control;
●Hybrid cooperative control of manned and unmanned vehicles.
●unmanned systems
●Embodied intelligence
●Agricultural and industrial applications
●intelligent transport
●autonomous driving